Longer Courses in Milton Keynes

Design Your Own Garden 8 Week Course

A mix of teaching and practical activities. 8 lessons but please allow additional time at home to complete the homework exercises e.g. measuring your garden. I have a post graduate diploma in residential garden design and have been designing gardens since 2005. By the end of the course, with my help, you will have a unique plan for your own garden.
£360 per person. Payment required in advance.
I also offer this course to U3A groups and WI's - minimum 3 participants at £360 per person.
This course is currently being run virtually with online teaching and support.

Aromatherapy 8 week course

I am a qualified aromatherapist. Come and learn about the power of aromatherapy. Learn about 24 essential oils to relax, to energise and to use around the home. Learn about the techniques of blending and making synergistic blends and learn how to do hand massages. Learn about the uses of essential oils to ease common ailments and make some products to take home.
Course includes tuition, materials to make products, booklets, 3 essential oils and a carrier oil. You may also wish to purchase more oils over the duration of the course.
£240 per person. Payment required in advance.
I also offer this course to U3A groups and WI's - minimum 3 participants at £240 each.
This course is not suitable if you are pregnant.
This course is currently suspended due to Covid social distancing.

Please email me to receive my newsletter and future dates the courses are running. 


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07807 060827